Window and file management functions

***Do ``int'' and ``char'' mean integer and character? Also, at the end of ``fullName'', is that ``+'' supposed to be there? Also, in ``getWInfo'', what is ``long''? And what is ``DS''?***

(int)w = findWindow(char *s, int fullName) This function looks through all the windows and finds one whose filename matches the one in s s is the filename to search for fullName tells how to match strings. fullName=1 means that the filename must match the string name exactly. fullName=0 means that only the basename and file extension need to match the string (s)+

(int)n = getNextWindow(int windowId, int *nextWindowId) windowId is the window to start from nextWindowId is the window below it in the stack of windows. If windowId was 0, then this is the windowId of the top window n is 1 if windowId was invalid and 0 otherwise

topBottomWindow(int how) how tells how to top or bottom (see software interrupt function 3)

redrawScreen() The screen is redrawn. This is used to show changes that have been made since the screen was last updated. Most of these functions do NOT automatically redraw the screen after changes.

scrollWindow(int direction, int numberOfLines) direction is 0 for up and 1 for down numberOfLines is the number of lines to scroll

(int)n = changeActiveWindow(int windowId) windowId is the id of the new active window n is 1 if the windowId was invalid and 0 otherwise

(int)n = getWLocation(int windowId, int *row1, int *col1, int *row2, int *col2) windowId is the window to get the location of row1,col1 is the upper left corner of the window row2,col2 is the lower right corner of the window n is 1 if windowId was invalid and 0 otherwise

(int)n = getWInfo(int windowId, int nameOffset, int nameSegment, int *topLine, int *bottomLine, long *topPosition, long *bottomPosition) windowId is the window to get information about nameOffset is the offset portion of the address of a buffer where the name of the file in the window will be copied

nameSegment is the segment portion of the address of a buffer where the name of the file in the window will be copied. If this is 0, the procedure converts it into the DS segment. topLine is the line number of the top line showing in the window bottomLine is the line number of the first line past the bottom line showing in the window topPosition is the character position of the first character showing in the window bottomPosition is the character position of the first character beyond the last character showing in the window

moveWindow(row1, col1, row2, col2) row1,col1 is the new upper left corner of the window row2,col2 is the new lower right corner of the window

(int)w = createWindow(nameOffset, nameSegment, row1, col1, row2, col2) nameOffset is the offset portion of the string containing the name of the file to load into the new window nameSegment is the segment portion of the string containing the name of the file to load into the new window. If this is 0, the procedure converts it into the DS segment. row1,col1 is the upper left corner of the new window row2,col2 is the lower right corner of the new window w is the window Identifier of the newly created window

closeWindow(how) how tells how to close the window (see software interrupt function 20)

***What is the ``target window''?***

saveFile() The file in the target window is saved.